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• A vibrant full color
edition of the most important Bible stories for young readers

• 42 best-loved Biblical
episodes from the Old and New Testaments

• Actual Biblical references appear in each chapter

• Beautifully designed
with color illustrations
on every page

• An excellent introduction
to the Bible and to the teachings of Jesus

Children's Bible Stories    


Trim Size:
8 1/4” x 11 13/16”
(21 x 28.5 cm)
125 pages

Enamel paper
Full color throughout

Hard cover edition
ISBN 1-58087-050-3
Stampley code 0275
24 per carton
List $16.95

The hard cover edition is also available in English

Las Más Bellas Historias de la Biblia

Introducing a new, full color Spanish edition of a children’s Bible that contains many of the Holy Bible’s most important stories. Beautiful, vivid illustrations on high quality enamel paper capture the attention of young readers. The clear, easy-to-read text provides a concise, non-denominational version of each story. Together, these features make Las Más Bellas Historias de la Biblia a fabulous first Bible stories book, perfect for children ages 6-12.

Las Más Bellas Historias de la Biblia includes 42 Bible episodes from the Old and New Testaments—from the Creation of the world to the Ascension of Jesus. This delightful collection of stories demonstrates the relationship between God and His people throughout time. In addition, each page gives
life to the customs, style of dress, and way of life during Biblical times.
Here is the perfect book to help parents teach religious truths and values
to their children.

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Spanish Children's Bible

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